Twitter is a microblogging platform that allows you to write “Tweets” that are 140 characters or less. People use twitter to find out what’s happening in the world in real time and to connect with people and companies globally. Around 42% of the total users on Twitter follow their favorite brands. It could be beneficial for your company to enter this potential market and have a significant outreach of possible new customers.
As a recommendation, your profile should have your logo as profile picture. Use the name of your brand as username and add the link to your webpage and other social media accounts in your description. Also, it is a good idea to create a hashtag with the name of your brand for people to communicate easily with you.
Use the proper format to correctly write your Tweets: 1) start off with the text; 2) then the link you want to display; 3) add the attribution with @ if needed; 4) incorporate the hashtags, and 5) insert an image to make it more appealing.
I will now explain what you can do to engage correctly with the community on Twitter:
- Engage on relevant news
Comment on the trends, news, and other important events that could impact your brand. Join conversations that focus on things that matter to your business – this way people will see you engaging and, once they find your content relevant, they will start following you.
- Retweeting
Another way to draw attention to your Twitter account is to retweet content that is interesting to your circle. Sharing this content will benefit your account and the one you’re retweeting from. Share information from important media content sources like Forbes, The Huffington Post, The New York Times, Buzzfeed or a source that is relevant with what you do.
- Content
Share repeatedly to get to people. You need to create engaging content for people to share it with their followers. It could help if you write the word “retweet” in the tweet. Share pages, blog entries – give information that is relevant with the people you want to reach. Write tweets that generate conversations and hold the interest of your followers.
- Teasing
To succeed doing this, you have to get people’s attention. You can create expectation in a series of tweets. Use this when launching a new product or a new feature – something new associated with your brand or an interesting promo. Create something worth following each tweet till the end.
- Rewards
Provide your Twitter followers with exclusive content through promotions – something to reward them for keeping in line with your company through this platform.
- Create a list
You can create lists of Twitter accounts and set them as private or public. You could create a private list to monitor your competition. You could also create a public list of Twitter accounts that you consider valuable in content and share it with your a
udience – this will draw more attention to your account.
- Images and videos
These are important to engage with your followers. It is more reliable to be retweeted with an image or video in your tweet. Make sure to share images worth sharing or interesting videos that make people interested in what you publish.
- Use the proper hashtags
Hashtags are the tools that you use on Twitter to reach a specific market. Use “Hashtagify” to research the most popular hashtags with the audience. Use “Rite tag” to rate the reach of your hashtags as you incorporate them. Get the MOST VISIBILITY for your tweets with these tools.
You can also use Twitter Analytics to evaluate your progress and discover influential people near your market. Make sure that you’re doing the right thing on your Twitter account to make the most of it.